

Stream your real-time FusionInvest / Fusion Sophis data directly into Excel to view your portfolios, your way.

Combine the powerful analytics of FusionInvest / Fusion Sophis with the limitless capabilities of Excel.

Historical data

FusionLink allows you to query all the historical data in your FusionInvest / Fusion Sophis installation allowing easy analysis and graphing directly in Excel all without copy and paste.

FusionLink is BDH for your FusionInvest / Fusion Sophis data.

Existing Excel skills

You're an expert in Excel. Access your data where you can maximise its value.

With your numbers live in Excel, there's no need for static data refreshes or copy and paste. With the unlimited power of Excel, you can bring your organisations data from different sources into one place and a single view.

Key Features

Easy installation
FusionLink is a pure client-side Toolkit and Excel add-in installation. No complex server-side or database changes are required.

You can be up and running instantly building your own spreadsheets.
All features are fully documented online.
The FusionLink dashboard is fully integrated with FusionInvest / Fusion Sophis making it a breeze to use and easy to monitor.

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